Pet Screenings – Are They Useful Or Should You Not Use Them?

pet screening

Thinking about allowing pets in your rental property? Don’t forget about pet screening!

With most people in the United States now having a pet, it makes sense to allow pets and pet screening is a way to insure that you rent to someone who as a well mannered pet.

How Does Pet Screening Work?

With pet screening, the process functions the same way that a regular tenant screening works.

All an owner has to do is research the pets breed to learn more about if it has a history of aggressive behavior.

Once the owner researches the pet, the next step is to request a photo of it, registry information, vet information and any training certificates that the owner might have.

After the landlord has all of the information about the pet at their fingertips, the next step is to obviously call that pets veterinarian, learn more about the pet and make an informed decision on if they should allow the animal to live with their tenants or not.

By doing a pet screening, a landlord can have confidence that they are going to be allowing the right pet to live in their rental property or they can say no to the tenant, especially if their tenant doesn’t allow the specific breed of pet that the tenant has.

Ultimately the decision on accepting a pet is up to the landlord based on the information that they have received from the owner.

Before allowing a pet though, pet owners should also verify with their city if the tenants breed of pet is not allowed in the city that they live in.

Contact RPM Central Valley

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