How to Win the Battle Against Wear and Tear at Your Rental Property


Owning rental properties is a great way to build cash flow on a monthly basis including wealth but the reality is that wear and tear can be very costly!

Thankfully there are a variety of things that you can do to win the battle against wear and tear at your rental property.

Tip 1- Ditch the Carpet

Although you may love carpeting, the reality is that carpeting is not user-friendly in a Modesto Home for Rent and should be removed in favor of hard surfaces like vinyl.

Vinyl flooring is EASY to clean up after spills or accidents and it will retain its look/value over the years compared to carpeting which will need to be replaced especially after tenants with small children live in your rental home.

Tip 2 – Give Your Tenants a Vacuum Cleaner for the Rental

Let’s say you have a new tenant who just moved into your Modesto Home for Rent, but you know that they don’t have a lot of money or possessions since they just moved from out of state.

What’s the solution to the problem?

Buy your tenant a vacuum which will clean both carpeting and the floor as well. Doing this will ensure that the flooring in your rental property stays clean since most people don’t like to live in a home with dirty floors.

Tip 3 – Be More Proactive About Wear and Tear

During the course of the next year that a tenant lives in your Modesto Home for Rent there may be regular wear and tear including broken window screens, holes in walls and issues that most homes face during the year.

The solution to staying on top of wear and tear in a home is to stay proactive about dealing with it and encouraging or offering your tenants incentives to report it when wear and tear occurs.

This will solve the problem of you having to deal with fixing a lot of wear and tear in your Home for Rent after your tenant moves out.


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