How To Get Your Modesto Rental Property Ready For Summer

Modesto Rental Property

If you own Modesto Rental Property there’s no denying that summer can present challenges because with the warmer weather tenants will be using their air conditioners more often and owners should spend remaining weeks until the start of summer getting their rental properties ready for the change in weather by following these tips.

Inspect Your HVAC System

Since your tenants will be using their HVAC systems during the summer months you should get HVAC and air conditioning units inspected now to insure that they are all running smoothly during summer months once warmer weather arrives.

Check Insulation and Weather Stripping In Your Modesto Rental Property 

Last of all, but most important, you should check the weather and insulation in your Modesto Rental Property because proper insulation and weather striping will help your tenants to lower their energy costs and insure that their homes stay cool during the summer months.

Close Up Crawl Spaces Under Homes

If the Real Estate that you own has a crawl space underneath it you should close up that space or any access point to your basement or underneath your home immediately because snakes and critters will seek shelter in cool spaces during the warmer months in Modesto, California.

Clean Up Brush And Dead Vegetation Surrounding Your Property

Take the time to clean up brush and dead vegetation surrounding your property since this will also make your yard space less attractive to critters and also create a firebreak between your home and open spaces if a fire breaks out during the summer.

Remove Wood Or Trash From Your Property 

There’s no denying that with the start of summer certain animals or critters like snakes will be seeking shelter in cool places that’s why you should make sure that trash, wood or other debris is removed from the property since this will protect your tenants from altercations with critters.

Get Property Management

To learn more tips you can use to get your Modesto Rental Property ready for summer, or to learn more about our Modesto Property Management service, contact RPM Central Valley today by calling us at (209) 572-2222 or connect with us online


