Emergency Preparedness Tips for Landlords


One thing that coronavirus has highlighted is the importance of landlords having an emergency plan in place that will enable them to deal with disasters at their rental properties.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve own rental properties in the Central Valley for years, or you just recently purchased your first property, if you don’t have an emergency plan in place, the next time that we have a fire or another natural disaster in the area, you’re going to be left scrambling for solutions when you could have had your plans ready in advance.

What should your emergency preparedness plan have?

How you react after an emergency is crucial, especially when you own rental properties because of the obvious fact that your renters are going to be looking to you for answers to the problems that they’re going through, especially if the disaster affected their quality of life.

What should your emergency preparedness plan have? It should have a wide variety of things including contact information for emergency services in the local area, contractors that you trust you to come and work on your rental property to assist you with resolving problems, even on the weekends, and your emergency preparedness plan should also have quick access to your insurance information as well too.

Contact RPM Central Valley

If you don’t currently have a property manager managing one or more of your portfolio of income properties, now’s the perfect time to start thinking about hiring one. A property manager like RPM Central Valley, will save you the time, money, and hassle of managing your rental property yourself so that you could focus on growing your portfolio of rental properties without having to deal with the day-to-day management work.

To learn more about the property management services that we can offer you, contact us today by calling 209-572-2222 or click here to connect with us online.